How KP Management uses Sweethawk apps to automate their processes and optimize Zendesk

KP Management wanted the highest level of functionality from their Zendesk investment, so the company utilized Sweethawk apps in order to make this happen.
“The videos, the design, the UI of your apps, everything is perfect ”
KP Management, based in Montreal Canada, is a multifaceted business that includes real estate property management, tech, a portfolio of investments, an accounting business, a studio, content production and an e-learning platform focussed on courses for commercial real estate investment.
We spoke with Keven Pepin, Founder and President of KP Management, about his journey with Sweethawk apps and how they have improved the efficiency of company processes.
Already a Zendesk user, Keven was looking for ways to gain maximum functionality from the platform. “The division where I use Zendesk with everything is property management. For our needs, we were looking for a SaaS or system that can centre all communications and connect with our teams on the ground who are repairing apartments or providing services to the tenant”.
He goes on to explain how he discovered Sweethawk apps: “I was looking for something I could manage and configure by myself. I found Zendesk and saw what it could do, then when I started using it I discovered the marketplace as well. So I started trying many apps and one day I found SweetHawk”.
“I was looking to improve a process; there were a lot of things in Zendesk but as a property manager, there were a lot of things that needed to be improved”
Apps used by KP Management
Outside of the real estate division, Keven has found other areas of the business where SweetHawk apps can be utilized effectively. “We are heavily involved in real estate, however I’m not just using Sweethawk apps for that as I’m also using them for admin purposes. I’m actually building the business all around them, because you can automate so many things. We are able to use Sweethawk apps to improve our process, and we have a mantra in the business: ‘Just Ask’, because it’s possible”.
“I spend a lot of time in Zendesk and I structure everything by myself. I learnt all the features and studied the different Sweethawk apps. I’m really obsessed with how to improve a process” - Keven Pepin, Founder and President”
Having thoroughly researched many apps available on the Zendesk marketplace, Keven explains his reasoning behind choosing Sweethawk apps: “One of the main things I look for is the UI, because with some apps in Zendesk the UI is terrible so it’s not fun to use. It needs to work well and the interface needs to be good; this has a big impact on efficiency. The more I can keep in Zendesk the better it is. If the features can be applied to other processes and automate them that’s hugely beneficial”.
“I’m a product designer of apps for property management, and you really need to understand what the end user is going to need. With Sweethawk apps it’s clear you really understand this”
For Keven and KP Management, there are numerous use cases for individual SweetHawk apps. With Due Time, he explains “when we rent an apartment and put it on the market, we will arrange a visit for prospective tenants. Sometimes when we arrange a visit with them I send an employee and they wait, and the tenants just don’t show. With due time I am able to send a message to the tenant 24 hours prior - reminding them of the appointment and telling them to inform us of a cancellation. That improved things so much, and that’s just one thing we can do with the Due Time - we do a lot of things with it”.
The Approvals app has streamlined the company’s purchasing process. “Approvals we use because we have two kinds of customers in property management - tenants and landlords. When we want to ask about buying something for a property we use the approvals app, it’s really professional and works very well”.
Calendar is one of the main apps used by KP Management when organising schedules for their many repairmen. “One person in our team configures the tickets that apply to each repairman. So it helps to plan each day for our repairmen, and they see their ticket for the day. Future tickets are already configured but don’t appear until the following day”.
Finally, the Tasks app has solved a number of problems for the team. “Tasks we use to build a sub ticket. For example, when a new tenant is entering a new apartment we need to prepare for his arrival. We build a parent ticket which the main employee is accountable for, child tickets which go to different employees who have different tasks to do, and the main employee is able to follow all of the child tickets”.
He goes on to explain a new process he has created using Tasks: “When we want to move furniture between two apartments it isn’t always the same company and we need to send a bill once the work is done. So we use the Task app as a checklist to be sure that the furniture has moved into the new location and the company has been paid”.
Keven had the following advice for those looking to get started with Sweethawk apps: “For someone new to Zendesk, they need to start by looking through the marketplace as it will really improve their knowledge of what is available and what is possible”.
“SweetHawk has some of the best apps on Zendesk marketplace - I didn’t find any other apps or substitute apps that beat what you do”
Zendesk and Sweethawk apps have had a huge impact on the day to day functioning of KP Management. “Zendesk digitised our business. The future of our business is data driven. With Zendesk and Sweethawk apps, you can have a real-time business connected. It’s a perfect dashboard for a CEO, it gives you all the key metrics that you need to follow”.
“For a small price it really improves our operations”
Keven has successfully utilized SweetHawk apps to extend the functionality of Zendesk at KP Management. “A lot of your apps are apps that any business needs, even the simple ones that are used day to day have a lot of worth. You don’t need to be in the property management business to need these kinds of apps. If you look on the Zendesk marketplace you don’t have other apps like this”.
“Without SweetHawk apps we wouldn’t have all of our processes that we have built around the apps”
When commenting on the quality of Sweethawk apps and the level of support he has received, Keven notes, “all of the Sweethawk apps work very well, and each time I have a question you answer very quickly. I’ve even had assistance in the middle of the night so you give amazing service. I have tried a lot of apps on the marketplace, and the UI of Sweethawk apps is very well designed so I can write a lot of processes for my team, give them the videos and it’s all very easy to use”.
“I think you have a perfect understanding of business needs”
Overall, Keven has been extremely satisfied with Sweethawk apps and trusts them above other apps for a number of reasons.“SweetHawk has a professionally designed website, your reviews on Zendesk marketplace are amazing, and I wouldn’t try your apps if that wasn’t the case. The help center is very well recommended, and it’s clear you care about the business you’re in which increases customer confidence”.

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